Dr. W. Edward Jenkins
Dr. W. Edward Jenkins received his B.A. in Sociology from the University of California, Riverside. He holds a Masters of Theology & Biblical Studies and a Doctorate degree of Ministry from Fuller Theology Seminary in Pasadena, CA. A longstanding educator, Dr. Jenkins taught Government/Law for the Riverside Unified School District and received his Lifetime Secondary Teaching Credential. Dr. Jenkins was the Coordinator of the Drug & Alcohol Intervention Program, as well as the Work Experience Program for the Riverside School District. Dr. Jenkins has also taught Biblical Greek at the California State Convention. In the late 80s, Dr. Jenkins pastored the Bibleway Baptist Church of Woodcrest, CA. He is currently the Pastor of Victory Baptist Church of Los Angeles, a position that he has held for 20 years. Dr. Jenkins is a board member of the National Baptist Convention, Inc. and a faculty member of the National Congress of Christian Education. Also Dr. Jenkins has been recently appointed to the Board of Trustees for the American Baptist College in Nashville, TN. In addition to his work in the National Baptist Convention, Inc., he has held the positions of Vice-Moderator and Dean of the Ministers’ Conference in the Los Angeles District Association of the Western Baptist State Convention and he is presently the Moderator of the LADA. Dr. Jenkins is married to Kimberley and they have one son, Jahi.